If you’re tired of dealing with clothes moths and need help removing them from you’re home, you’ve come to the right place. Storage Sense will show you how to identify and remove clothes moths from your space.
Clothes moths often find their way into fabrics such as silk, wool, leather, and other synthetic fabrics. While sifting through your belongings, if you notice small holes in the fabric, they have most likely been inhabited by clothes moths. Unfortunately, clothes are not the only items that these creatures can reach. We recommend inspecting any carpets, rugs, comforters, pillows, drapes, and other household items with fabric in your space. Click here to learn more about these pests and the environments they inhabit.
After identifying the clothes moths, begin to remove the damaged items from your space. If you notice tears or holes in the fabrics of your belongings that can’t be repaired, you should throw these items away. Be sure to examine your items and give them a good shakedown because sometimes clothes moths can hide in the fabric. The remaining items that you decide to keep should be washed to ensure that there aren’t any lingering moths on them. If your space has large objects with flat surfaces, use disinfectant wipes to remove any excess dirt and dust which can attract clothes moths. With a clean space, clothes moths are less likely to find their way to your belongings.
If you want to keep your space moth free, here are a few preventative steps you should take to do so. We recommend utilizing airtight storage bins as a way to consolidate your belongings. Clothes moths will not be able to enter these bins since they are completely sealed. If needed, use tape or a large bag to cover any open seams on the bins. Once covered, begin organizing the containers to your liking and remove any excess clutter from the room. Create a cleaning schedule to vacuum and sweep the floor regularly during the season. Since clothes moths are attracted to dark and humid spaces, make sure your room has lighting and stays ventilated throughout the season.
Do you need more space to store your belongings? Storage Sense provides commercial and residential storage solutions at our facilities throughout the United States. We offer a convenient and contactless rental process for customers. Our units have a variety of features including temperature-control settings, drive-up access, and even vehicle storage for your RV or boat. If you need assistance determining the correct unit to rent, check out our Storage Calculator. At Storage Sense, we prioritize the safety of your belongings. Our facilities have keypad access, 24-hour surveillance cameras, and enhanced security systems to ensure that your items remain secure while in storage. It is important to pack your items properly when leaving them in storage. Our Storage Tips provides customers with the necessary steps to pack their items correctly. Don’t wait any longer and rent a unit today with Storage Sense!
About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.