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Celebrate the Holidays in Charleston SC

Holidays in Charleston SC

How are you spending the holidays in Charleston SC? If you need holiday storage or simple winter storage, Folly Road Self Storage in Charleston SC can help. While you are moving your gear in, check out the events happening in our community. This time of year is for family and friend, there is no better way to do that then with a festive good time. After the meal is prepped, cooked and eaten, take the family to one of these fun happenings.

Holidays in Charleston SC

Join Charleston’s most beloved holiday event for the 28th year in row. The Annual Holiday Festival of Light is a spectacular event for all ages. There are over 2 million lights to enjoy as you drive through the 3 mile tour of displays. Once you reach the end, park the car and travel by foot for shopping, dining and family activities. Toast a marshmallow while you wait to see Santa or take a train ride around the park for the ultimate experience. There is a lot to enjoy.

For the whole month of December, historic Charleston is transforming into the perfect winter wonderland. Holiday Magic in Historic Charleston starts with a neighborhood favorite, The Holiday Market is the best place to find all your gifts. Come down every weekend for a new cheerful happening. The month wraps up with the New Year Celebration this town has never seen. Ring in the new year with lights, music and good times.

The holidays in Charleston SC are cheerful, easy and stress free with Folly Road Self Storage. Our secure self storage is the perfect place to keep extra furniture and presents. This time of year is busy so we make it our mission to help you with our available space. Our community celebrates the season with festivals and good times to enjoy by all. Talk with our professionals about storing here for the holidays and finding the celebrations near by.