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Adapt Your Motorcycle for Winter

The seasons are changing once again. As you enjoy your fall festivities take a moment to adapt your motorcycle for winter. Keep your motorcycle safe during the winter and ready when for the first ride in the spring with our motorcycle storage tips.

  • For motorcycle storage washing, drying, and waxing are all equally important before storing for the winter. Applying a light coating of protective spray on metal will prevent rust.
  • Choose a location with limited access to prevent any curious people.  You may not see your bike every day therefore, keep the location private to ward off any misbehavior.
  • Whether your bike hibernates in a garage or out enduring the elements, keeping a plastic tarp as a barrier between the ground and your bike will block added water from entering.
  • Rodents look for areas to set up camp for the winter. Your tailpipe is prime location for a family of mice to be safeguarded from the storm. Block this access by applying a rag or cloth to open spots in the vehicle.
  • Sunlight is very detrimental to the paint and upholstery. Keep them looking fresh by finding a location with minimal direct rays.
  • Apply a grease component to the chain drive, cables, hinges and fork surface. This will make moving the bike smooth and hassle free.
  • Due to the varying climate and inactive status of your motorcycle the battery can lose its charge. Solve this by removing the battery and moving it to a location away from the wet and cold atmosphere
  • Over inflating or the use of props are both excellent methods to stop issues from forming with your tires. If over inflating is the method chosen remember to relieve the pressure before driving.

Stop by or call in to talk with us about other ways to adapt your motorcycle for winter.